Local News
Zetland FM Local News - 4th August 2020
The coastguard was called into action in our area to assist people cut off by the tide.
A court has agreed to close an Air B&B in our area following complaints of anti-social behaviour.
...and Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council have issues a warning following a recent rock fall at the cliffs at Saltburn.
The coastguard was called into action in our area to assist people cut off by the tide.
Just before midday on Saturday the Redcar and Staithes Coastguard teams were tasked by the Humber operations room at Bridlington to reports of 4 people cut off by the tide at Huntcliff in Saltburn.
The Redcar RNLI lifeboats were also in attendance.
A search was carried out by all parties with nothing found after which all teams were stood down.
The public are reminded that if you see anyone in trouble on the beach or cliffs you should dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
A court has agreed to close an Air B&B in our area following complaints of anti-social behaviour.
Last week Teesside Magistrates' Court approved an order to temporarily close the property on Ormesby Bank.
The application for a Closure Order for three months until 29 October was made by Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council following numerous complaints to the police and local authority.
The court heard that complaints of anti-social behaviour included drug and drink fuelled behaviour, noise nuisance, fighting, parties, fire setting and criminal damage.
A total of 20 complaints have been made to the police in last year as well as statements taken from neighbours.
Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council have issues a warning following a recent rock fall at the cliffs at Saltburn.
Officers have now inspected the cliff area and the advice to the public is to act sensibly when visiting the area and to stay away from the base of the cliffs when walking along the beach.
Extra care must also be taken when walking along the top of cliff, to ensure you keep a safe distance from the edge.
The council says that cliff falls and erosion are natural processes and are part of our changing landscape.
Members of the public are asked to take notice of the warning signs around the area so the coastline can be enjoyed in the safest way possible.